A knight in armour with a sword and shield standing at the mouth of a cave

The Last Dragonslayer at Interzone Digital

I am pleased to announce that my flash fiction story “The Last Dragonslayer” is available free to read at Interzone Digital.

This is my take on the familiar old idea of dragonslayers. It is beautifully illustrated by Richard Wagner (see above) and I hope it gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Garth parks the truck at the end of the muddy lane and gets his father’s sword and armour out of the back. He carefully – too carefully – straps the leather on over his jeans and t-shirt, fastens the sword around his waist, then stops to gather himself for just a moment. When the shaking stops, he walks into the village.

Read “The Last Dragonslayer” by Jonathan Laidlow at Interzone Digital