About Jonathan

Pulled my harpoon and lit out for the territory….

I tried to write a short “author bio” for Ecotones but struggled to come up with something both short and interesting. I gave them the following list of suggestions,  and the editor eventually whittled it down to what he used.

Jonathan Laidlow grew up in the North West of England, near the Sellafield Nuclear Power plant, which regularly leaked. He has one good leg, one good eye, and one good ear.

Traumatised by an attempt to write a doctorate on Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, he didn’t write again for twenty years. He now works as a Web and E-learning Consultant.

His love of fantasy and science fiction began when he was a child, reading Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, Julian May and then Gene Wolfe. He now maintains the Ultan’s Library website for articles about that esteemed grand master.

Age six he begged his parents to tell him what happened in that Alien film they’d just seen. Age sixteen he finally stopped covering his face with the duvet while he slept.

A secret dandy, he loves to wear suits, but never when he’s working. He works to travel and to write, and his dream is to travel the world, writing for a month in each city that he visits.

When he isn’t writing, he is evil – insufferable, even – and makes everyone around him miserable. It’s for the good of the world that he continues to write.