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A snail at the Event Horizon

A snail at the Event Horizon

Why, it seems like only yesterday that ‘Hyrmnal‘ was published at DailyScienceFiction.com. Do you remember those days of mollusc madness? I sure do.

Since then, this blog has been suspiciously quiet.

“What have you been up to, Jonathan?” I hear you ask.

Well! I’ve been writing and revising new stories, and have a few forthcoming publications to announce once contracts are signed.

But this week’s post is about Event Horizon  – a new ebook anthology collecting work by lots of excellent emerging writers. The goal of the book is to promote everyone who is in their first year or two of publishing professionally (that is, selling stories at ‘professional’ rates of pay) for the John W. Campbell award.

‘Hyrmnal’ is in it, alongside many better (and longer) stories by names you might already be familiar with.

I wouldn’t bother nominating me for the award, but wait until you see what I publish in 2017!

Here’s the best news, the book is completely free. Get it now. It’s available until July only.

I’ll be back soon with news of what I’ve got coming out next. Enjoy Event Horizon!

And no more snails, I promise.